nVidia GeForce GTX 770 Price Gouging for $50,000?

nVidia’s GeForce GTX 770 series GPU lauched today, and reviewers seem pretty happy with it, particularly its price point. At $400 MSRP yet with slightly better performance (though also higher power consumption) than the GTX 680, it seems to be pretty popular. Personally, I think the 230W TDP is a little too high, given that the GTX 680 is only 195W and the GTX 670 (which it is supposed to replace) is only 170W. But regardless of how the card performs, there are sellers already engaging in GTX 770 price gouging.

GTX 770 Price Gouging

Anytime a popular product is released, you can expect there to be price gouging. Amazon is currently sold out of its allotment of cards, but I found that some sellers either think consumers are incredibly stupid or they just want to be funny:

Amazon.com GTX 770 Price Gouging

Yes, apparently one seller is attempting to sell a GTX 770 for $50,000. Not only that, but it is a featured merchant! I wonder if its a good idea for Amazon to implement some price ceilings in their marketplace so clearly outrageous numbers cannot be entered. I mean, does Amazon even sell anything that expensive?

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